Dreams Versus Reality: You Need Both To Truly Live & Thrive

There is this great quote in the Dune movie: “Dreams make good stories. But everything important happens when we are awake. That’s when we make things happen.”

This is the paradox of our lives. Spend too much time daydreaming and you accomplish nothing. Yet It’s easy to fall into this mode as it’s really enjoyable and you feel good even though you have done nothing. 

On the other hand, being busy all the time and taking action thoughtlessly just leads you nowhere. You don’t get to where you want to go.  

We need belief to motivate us. We need to be inspired by our dreams, by other people. 

We are humans. We live on stories. We are motivated by images & pictures. This is a tool we don’t utilize enough to make our lives and those around us so much better. It helps us get through the slumps and inevitable tough times on the journey to our destination. 

Coupling this direction with hard action is the only way to achieve anything in life. And as I’ve stated many times before, you have to program your mind like a computer. Napoleon Hill famously stated: “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.”

Do it consciously or you will end up being programmed by someone else. Or worse programmed to pursue some else’s dreams.

As the Bible says: “Man without vision shall perish.” 


Marvin’s Best Weekly Reads Sept 18th, 2022


Living in our Own Matrix: Reality is a Choice