The Rule of 7: Entrepreneurship and Financial Independence is Key to Survival & Freedom

There is this scene in season 5 of Billions when the main character Bobby Axelrod is looking to make some big changes at his hedge fund. 

One of his employees asks him: “how much will our lives change?”

Axelrod replies: “It’s not a problem. 

Well, it’s not my problem. And don’t ask another guy about your future, make your own F—ing future.”

This scene has stuck with me since I saw it so long ago. I still cannot believe that people in 2022 still believe that the safe route in life is having a job. This is after the pandemic in 2020, an ongoing barbarous Russian invasion and war in Ukraine. Continual massive shocks to our economic system and to people’s lives. Economies shattered, business destroyed and jobs lost. 

Why would you count on your boss or your job for your livelihood. A livelihood that enables you to support your family. Even supposed safe companies end up failing in the end. Or taking a massive hit PR and financially. Look at former golden child Facebook, now known as META. They have been hammered. 

But at least they have massive capital reserves with $47.99B at the end of 2021. Just like you need to have at least 12 months of cash in the bank in case anything goes wrong and you can weather the storm. More here:

Learn the art & discipline of sales. Learn online marketing and copywriting. These are skills that are in demand all over the world. And portable anywhere. 

You must also have multiple sources of incomes, read customers. Maybe even multiple businesses. Diversification, so if one customer or business disappears, you have other ones to count on. The famous rule of 7. Most wealthy people have at least 7 income streams. This is a good number to aim for. 

You can have a balance of regular steady monthly payments & some irregular ones. Both large and small payments. Heck, you can even have a job that gives you the base monthly income but you absolutely must build a bunch of side hustles that provide these other income streams as per the excellent BowtiedBull:

This is really the only way you can truly be in control of your own destiny. The changes coming in the world from technology, geopolitical and economic aspects are only going to come faster and harder.


“100 Foot Wave”: Why so many entrepreneurs are like surfers


Marvin’s Best Weekly Reads June 5th, 2022