Tolerance versus Intolerance: Setting Rules for Life

Tolerance is defined as “the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.”

Tolerance is a very modern thing. It was not that long ago that people were killing other people over religion or skin color. Sadly this still happens in many parts of the world but in our modern society this is thankfully seen as a barbaric relic of an old age. And something that we work against happening. 

You should be tolerant of other people’s religion, skin color and beliefs. In general, it’s okay to believe whatever you want as long as it does not physically hurt others. Although I should say hurting feelings don’t count here. Toughen up a bit you snowflakes. You should be tolerant of other ways of doing things. You should be tolerant of honest mistakes on your part or someone else's.

But on the other side, there are things that you cannot ever tolerate. Things like dishonesty, bad behavior like treating service workers badly, violence against your family, friends or loved ones. You have to be intolerant of immoral acts like armed robbery, rape and theft among other things. 

This is why it’s important to know self defense and be armed. I believe in turning the other cheek in some situations but not here. You need to stand up to bullies. If you don’t,  they are usually back again and will probably be more vicious in the next round. As the Ukrainian Prosecutor general was reported to have said about the inhuman Russian army: “To stop barbarians, we need weapons—the only language they understand.” Barbarians, and that is what many criminals are, need to be eliminated from society. The punishment should meet the severity of the crime. 

I’d even add that you have to be even more intolerant of your own weaknesses. Intolerant of wasting time. Intolerant of an unhealthy and unfit body. Intolerant of a slothful and mission-less, meaningless life without impact. Intolerant of dependence on other people. Intolerant of encroachments from government and corporations on your own freedom and privacy.  

It’s important to have a code and pre-set rules for your own behavior. A pre-wiring for how to react to others around you. This is the key to crafting your own beautiful life. 


Don’t Be Sorry, Be Better


Marvin’s Best Weekly Reads July 17th, 2022